Monday, January 23, 2012

Brimham Rocks: Bouldering

Brimham Rocks are a collection of boulders and crags near Harrogate in North Yorkshire. The rocks, made of gritstone, have been sculpted by erosion into unusual shapes including rounded towers, loaf shapes, and rocks are balanced in surprising locations.

The grippy nature of the rock, and the shapes it is formed into, make Brimham Rocks a great place to go climbing and bouldering. There are climbing routes up to about 14 metres long across the grades, and a similar range of bouldering problems scattered across the formations. Jamming cracks seem to be a common feature here.

The second weekend of January was blessed with sunny, still conditions - a perfect opportunity to make my first visit to Brimham and try and work off the excesses of christmas.

Sculpted shapes: around Castle Rock at Brimham Rocks

We started by doing some boulder problems and routes on Castle Rock, the most impressive large rock formation at Brimham. Despite the frosty conditions the rock faces in the sun were warm to the touch, making climbing pleasant. Lots of walkers stopped to watch as we soloed some of the easier routes, although some of the parents with young children were not impressed by the example we were setting.

Cubic Block, Brimham
We then tested out a few boulder problems in the Cubic Block area of Brimham. The problem in the photo above goes from a lying down start, at full stretch, into big pull up the arete to the break at the top of the photo. The big pull defeated Neil and I despite repeated attempts. One for next time!

Heather Wall, Brimham
As the sun dropped towards the horizon, the temperature fell rapidly. We kept moving to keep warm, accomplished by soloing some easy routes on Cubic Wall. In the photo above Neil is climbing Heather Wall (severe).

Cubic Corner, Brimham
Neil climbing Cubic Corner (Hard Severe 4b). The route follows the arete on Cubic Block and had a tricky move at about 2/3rds height that gave a touch of excitement to my solo attempt. When the rock became to cold to climb we called it a day. A great start to 2012!

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