Sunday, July 1, 2012

A summer dawn at Almscliff

The other morning I watched the sunrise at Almscliff. This was unusual and unexpected. Between early spring and late autumn I am rarely awake at dawn. The evening before, making the best of good weather, I visited the crag to do some bouldering with friends. On return home I was unable to find my wallet and became convinced that I had dropped it while bouldering. One sleepless night later, during which I dwelt on all the problems that come with losing and replacing the contents of a wallet, I found myself in my car on the road to Almscliff.

Although most of my attention was devoted to scouring the ground  for my lost wallet, I did manage to take few photos.

Sunrise from Almscliff
In the East the sun rose into a hazy sky.

Looking West
To the West the farmland was covered by wisps of mist, reminiscent of casually draped lace. The sun quickly burnt this off, revealing the more substantial forms of a few sheep.

Great Western buttress, Almscliff
Different aspects of the crag's character were revealed by the dawn light. Great Western buttress was lit from behind. With its features in shadow, the buttress was a dark monolithic lump of gritstone, even more imposing than usual.

I didn't find my wallet at Almscliff. After a frantic search, and a drive back to Leeds, during which my mind went over every card that I would have to cancel and replace, I got home, walked through the door and decided to check my climbing bag one more time.

My wallet was in the top pocket.

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