Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A perfect, sunny, lost day? Cycling from Witney, through North Leigh, to Kidlington

I cycled to work today, along country roads that run between Witney and Kidlington, in West Oxfordshire. The conditions were perfect; dry, cloudless, still, with little traffic to disturb the peace. In the sun, it was warm enough to feel like spring. Following what seemed like weeks of overcast skies and rain, I welcomed the change.

Frosty West Oxfordshire fields
The sun rose into a perfect sky. There was frost on the ground because the temperature had dropped below zero the night before.

North Leigh church
My route took me past the church in the village of North Leigh. Cotswold stone buildings, like this church, fit perfectly into the landscape when sunlight brings out the warm tones of the stone.

Tree in bud
The trees, dark and twisted without their leaves, reached up towards the sun. Their buds hinted at a re-awakening after winter.

I got ready to carry on to work. How many days can there be that are so perfect? Can I afford to waste them? I continued my journey towards a day confined to a windowless office. 

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