Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Haytor and Low Man - climbing Dartmoor granite

I met with up Will with the intention of climbing a few routes on Haytor and Low Man, two tors on the Eastern edge of Dartmoor, a few miles outside Bovey Tracey. Will has recently taken up climbing, and was ready to start leading; the range of single pitch routes up the tors, on solid Dartmoor granite, were ideal for him.
Beautiful weather, easy access, and good low-grade routes meant that there were plenty of climbers on Haytor by the time we arrived (having driven from Oxford, via Bristol).
I led Bulging Wall, a Very Difficult grade route up the middle of Haytor south face. Will followed me up with ease, getting his first taste of climbing on granite, and we looked back over the edge to mass of climbing gear below - this was not the place for contemplative climbing!
Will felt ready for his first lead, so he took my gear and set off up Zig Zag, a Difficult grade route to the left of Bulging Wall. In no time we were both at the top. Will was happy to sit and revel in his conquest, looking out over Dartmoor.
From the top of Zig Zag, we looked across to Low Man. The west face - which has the majority of the routes - was hidden, so we wandered over to inspect it; time for something harder? Up close the face looked inviting, and I eventually persuaded Will to try and second Raven Wing, a VS 4b route that follows a prominent arete. Early on there was a nice step out onto the arete that placed me over a void, followed by straightforward climbing. The granite here had more edges than that of Haytor, something I enjoyed, and I got so absorbed in climbing that I forgot to take any close up photos of Low Man. Will attempted to follow me up, but it was too much at the end of a long day, so he lowered off and a friendly climber seconded the route.
Exhausted, elated, challenged, but content, we set off into the sunset in search of food and somewhere to sleep.